Monday, May 10, 2010

The Advent of Stake Cake and the Gristle Kid

Much to our pleasant surprise, we are proud to announce that The Pit has given birth to a new super hero for our times. Larger than a small hill! Mightier than the Red Bull! Wielder of wicked cool songs! It's STAKE CAKE!!!! With his heterosexual housemate, the Gristle Kid, they fight evil and spread bodacity across Seattle. If there is a dance party full of crappy music, who will douse it in great DJ-ery and smother it in awesome sauce? Stake Cake!!! If there is a light bulb a full 8' 6" off the ground that needs replacing, who are you gunna call? Stake Cake!!! And when there is a movie and you really need a lumberjack, driver, goofy friend, or any other huge person with a beard, WHO WILL FILL THE ROLE?!?!?! STAKE CAKE!!!!!

Get him for your next party, or just a date!

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